Trees and Wellness

Mentally and Physically, Trees Make a Difference

By Arbor Day Foundation | June 7, 2024
Beautiful lake view at Genesee Conservation District in Flint, Michigan

This guest post is courtesy of Regan Davis Hopper with the U.S. Forest Service Urban and Community Forestry Program. Find the full story

During my dad’s recent hospital stay, I witnessed the healing power of trees.  

He was assigned to a room that looked out at a bleak brick wall. Needless to say, he didn’t like it. He quickly grew tired of brick walls and began asking to see trees and get fresh air. He believed that spending time in nature would help him feel better – and his instincts were right. With permission from the nursing staff, we found a way to take him outside. The moment we were surrounded by the green canopy of trees, his mood improved. That became our daily routine, and I’m certain the presence of trees sped up his recovery.

Retired Colonel and Medal of Honor recipient Paris Davis, the author’s father, credits the presence of trees with helping him recover during a recent hospital stay. (USDA Forest Service photo by Regan Hopper

More than instinct, studies have consistently shown that trees are beneficial to our mental and physical health. Spending time around trees can reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve mood. Studies have found that simply viewing nature from a hospital window can speed recovery time compared to those with views of a brick wall or no view at all.

These benefits extend far beyond hospital walls. A 2021 study by the University of Michigan revealed that exposure to nature can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety in children and adolescents.

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