Look Out! Detecting and Preventing Hazardous Trees

Guest post by John Lang of Friendly Tree. Most of us can agree that trees are good. They provide shade, shield us from wind, keep our homes cool, and add beauty and color to the landscape. Trees truly are Mother Nature’s masterpieces. It’s easy to forget that trees – especially large, mature trees – can actually become a liability. Hazardous trees can cause thousands of dollars in damage, not to mention injury to people. Not all hazards are obvious, and often property owners don’t realize their tree is a hazard until a weather event exposes its weaknesses. A tree’s owner is legally responsible for damage or injury that occurs because of tree failure. It’s up to you to exercise caution and due diligence when it comes to preventing dangerous situations caused by a hazardous tree. What Causes a Tree to Fall? A hazardous tree is defined as having a significant structural defect that may cause the tree or a portion of the tree to fall on someone or something of value. Some tree failures are unpredictable; however, most can be prevented by properly inspecting your property for red flags. It’s especially important to inspect your trees before and after storms … Continue reading Look Out! Detecting and Preventing Hazardous Trees