Common Tree Pests and How to Spot Them

Guest post by John Lang of Friendly Tree. Spring is a wonderful time of year, when everything around us is bursting to life. This, of course, includes pesky insects that have it out for your trees. As the weather warms up, pests come out of the woodwork, so to speak, and you’ll want to know what signs to look for. When trees are stressed after a long winter, they are especially susceptible to attack. These are some of the most destructive and prevalent insects that can cause serious damage to your tree and even lead to tree death. Defoliators Gypsy Moth The gypsy moth is notorious for defoliating more than a million forested acres each year since 1980. As leaves emerge in the spring, the moths leave masses of eggs which hatch into hungry larvae. The moth’s larvae defoliate hardwood trees, especially oak, birch, elm and maple. Look for yellowish, teardrop-shaped egg masses, which may contain up to 500 eggs, and can usually be found on tree trunks in the spring. Damage can range from leaf damage to complete defoliation.                 Western Tent Caterpillar The western tent caterpillar attacks a wide range of … Continue reading Common Tree Pests and How to Spot Them