Why We Need Green Space Now More than Ever

Over the past few months, we have learned to change our routines and adapt to new norms as we come to terms with a new reality. This extended time inside our homes has brought about some positive side effects, including recognizing many things we’ve taken for granted, like spending time outdoors. Some of the few places that remain safe to explore while social distancing during COVID-19 are city parks and green spaces. In these unprecedented times, there is a great desire to be outdoors and connect with nature, especially as the weather warms up. We have seen people eagerly flock to community gardens, neighborhood parks, and green spaces during the pandemic. And this is not surprising, considering the many physical and mental health benefits of connecting with nature including lowering stress, mental fatigue, depression, anxiety, and improving overall mood.   Green spaces are good for human health and they are crucial for community health. Research shows that cities with healthy community forests are more resilient. They have cleaner air and water, reduced heat islands, lower energy use, and even experience less crime.  Cities gain from the environmental, social and economic benefits of urban trees and green spaces when it is … Continue reading Why We Need Green Space Now More than Ever